Doug Adams
Military helicopter creates spectacle at massive new engineering lab
Move-in day was a spectacle that attracted local media and others to the School of Engineering’s new Laboratory for Systems Integrity and Reliability in Metro Center, located along the Cumberland River near downtown Nashville. The 20,000 square-foot high-bay facility – measuring 27 feet from floor to ceiling – now houses… Read MoreMar. 31, 2014
VUSE news roundup
March 26, 2014 Ten visionary women School of Engineering alumna Kimberly Bryant used her experience at Vanderbilt to develop a computer science curriculum specifically aimed at girls of color. March 20, 2014 History Today: The new drones club A Vanderbilt University team has developed mapping… Read MoreMar. 28, 2014
School announces new department chairs, associate deans, five faculty appointments
Adams The School of Engineering has announced the appointments of two department chairs, two associate deans, and five new faculty members. The appointments are effective July 1, 2013. Douglas Adams has been named Distinguished Professor and chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Adams comes to Vanderbilt from… Read MoreJul. 1, 2013