Electrochemical Devices

  • Vanderbilt University

    Spinach protein and blackberry dye give juice to biohybrid solar cells

    Berries really do pack extra punch – increasing the voltage of spinach-derived biohybrid solar cells developed by Vanderbilt researchers by up to a factor of 20. The interdisciplinary team discovered that combining a natural dye from blackberries with photosynthetic proteins extracted from spinach leaves creates a device that can produce… Read More

    Feb. 20, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineer’s ultrathin device harvests electricity from human motion

    Imagine slipping into a jacket, shirt or skirt that powers your cell phone, fitness tracker and other personal electronic devices as you walk, wave and even when you are sitting down. A new, ultrathin energy harvesting system developed at Vanderbilt University’s Nanomaterials and Energy Devices… Read More

    Jul. 21, 2017