
  • Vanderbilt University

    CREATE labs recognized for impact of National Biomechanics Day event

    Mechanical engineering PhD student Erik Lamers, center, demonstrates a low-profile ‘super-suit’ that helps prevent back pain by offloading stress on the lower back – one of a dozen demonstrations set up for National Biomechanics Day. For the second year, the School of Engineering’s biomechanics and assistive rehabilitation labs have received… Read More

    Jun. 28, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Class of 2018 Profile: Josh Fleck, ME major, empowers people with disabilities

    Josh Fleck, a mechanical engineering senior, plans to pursue a PhD. (John Russell/Vanderbilt) a high school student in Bradenton, Florida, Josh Fleck knew he wanted to research and develop robotic prosthetic devices. At the time, however, he had no concept of what that research looked like. He’s more than resolved… Read More

    May. 7, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Zelik receives two major young investigator awards for biomechanics work

    Karl Zelik, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has received top awards from the International Society of Biomechanics and the American Society of Biomechanics for early career research. Both awards recognize Zelik’s body of work on improving and unifying the understanding of human locomotion, and translating this understanding to advances… Read More

    Jun. 15, 2017

  • exosuit energy transfer

    Understanding robotic exosuit-human interaction will boost health and performance

    Team led by Vanderbilt researchers develops new, quicker method to measure energy transfer between assistive devices and people wearing them That robotic exoskeletons can improve mobility of people with disabilities and enhance human performance is widely understood. The same has not yet been true for how to best measure and… Read More

    Jun. 1, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt-designed exoskeleton wins gold at Medical Design Excellence Awards

    Parker Hannifin Corporation received a gold award in the Rehabilitation and Assistive Device category for its Vanderbilt-designed Indego® exoskeleton at the 2016 Medical Design Excellence Awards ceremony June 14 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. Person wearing an Indego exoskeleton (Courtesy… Read More

    Jul. 13, 2016

  • Vanderbilt University

    FDA approves Vanderbilt-designed Indego exoskeleton for clinical and personal use

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given clearance to market and sell the powered lower-limb exoskeleton created by a team of Vanderbilt engineers and commercialized by the Parker Hannifin Corporation for both clinical and personal use in the United States. Michael Goldfarb (Vanderbilt University)… Read More

    Mar. 11, 2016

  • Vanderbilt University

    Denver hospital, Vanderbilt exoskeleton clinical trial discussed at leadership exchange

    Michael Goldfarb addresses Denver Metro Chamber Leadership Foundation exchange participants on Thursday. (Heidi Hall/Vanderbilt) Some of Denver’s top executives learned Thursday how collaboration across Vanderbilt University schools and departments leads to world-changing technology. But they also found out about a collaboration closer to their home – a… Read More

    Oct. 16, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Goldfarb to demonstrate bionic prosthetics at March 25 Chancellor’s Lecture

    Michael Goldfarb, named by Popular Mechanics as one of the “10 Innovators Who Changed the World in 2013,” will deliver the March 25 Chancellor’s Lecture at Vanderbilt University. Goldfarb, holder of the H. Fort Flowers Chair in Mechanical Engineering at Vanderbilt, is renowned for his work… Read More

    Mar. 3, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Two engineering alumni named to ‘Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list

    Two Vanderbilt School of Engineering graduates — the co-founder of an alternative energy company and the co-inventor of a portable exoskeleton that helps paraplegics to walk — are among five Vanderbilt alumni who have been named to Forbes magazine’s  30 Under 30. The… Read More

    Jan. 10, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Goldfarb named to ‘Popular Mechanics’ top 10 innovators list

      Popular Mechanics has named Michael Goldfarb, H. Fort Flowers Professor of Mechanical Engineering, one of its “Ten Innovators Who Changed The World” for 2013. Goldfarb, who develops robotic adaptive equipment for people with disabilities, and his former graduate student Ryan Farris were recognized for the Indego, an… Read More

    Oct. 22, 2013