Global Service Projects

  • Vanderbilt University

    Alumna steers Acumen to home solar investment in remote global locations

    Solar panels installed in rural Tanzania by Acumen investee Devergygy (Photo COURTESY OF ACUMEN INVESTMENT, DEVERGY) A Vanderbilt engineering graduate is leading Acumen’s efforts to provide citizens of developing countries access to energy with low-cost home solar projects. “Around the world, 1.1 billion people live without energy access. One in seven… Read More

    Jul. 16, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Two engineering students receive humanitarian fund awards to pursue global projects

    Two engineering students have received scholarships to pursue humanitarian project during summer 2016. They are among 40 Vanderbilt students who received support from the university’s Nichols Humanitarian Fund. Human rights, public health, immigrant rights, early childhood education and environmental sustainability are among the issues 2016 Nichols… Read More

    Jun. 23, 2016