Peer-reviewed study validates performance enhancement and injury risk reduction from back-assist exosuits
A new peer-reviewed study shows that a back-relieving exosuit originally developed at Vanderbilt University and then commercialized by spin-off company HeroWear can simultaneously increase lifting endurance and reduce injury risk. This has important implications for the future of workplace safety and for workers in civilian and defense sectors. The results… Read MoreDec. 17, 2024
Royal Australian Air Force rolls out hundreds of exosuits created by Vanderbilt spin-off company to reduce back injuries
The Apex 2 exosuit is giving Australian defense personnel a boost. (RAAF) A back-relieving exosuit designed by Vanderbilt spin-off company HeroWear is continuing to show its effectiveness with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) ordering hundreds of additional suits and eyeing larger expansion. HeroWear, a Nashville-based workforce wearable… Read MoreOct. 3, 2024
Discovery Vanderbilt invests in two engineering faculty-initiated startups: HeroWear and Virtuoso
A university leadership committee has approved Discovery Vanderbilt investments into three faculty-initiated startups—HeroWear, IDBiologics and Virtuoso Surgical Inc.—as part of its mission from the offices of the chancellor and provost to boost innovation across the university. Read MoreMay. 29, 2023
New study reveals breakthrough tool to show how much exoskeletons reduce back injury risk
Warehouse case study shows how much exoskeletons reduce musculoskeletal wear-and-tear–cumulative damage–and low back disorder (LBD) risk to workers. A study led by researchers from Vanderbilt University’s Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology reveals a breakthrough tool to assess the effect of exoskeletons on injury risk. The tool, called… Read MoreNov. 30, 2021
Research Snapshot: Exosuit concept developed at Vanderbilt peeks at the future of wearable tech
The idea Karl Zelik (Vanderbilt University) Erik Lamers (Vanderbilt University) Karl E. Zelik, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, and recent Ph.D. graduate Erik P. Lamers revealed a new exosuit designed to bring back relief to workers who have been under high strain throughout the pandemic, including last-mile… Read MoreMar. 25, 2021