High School Engineering Currirulum

  • Vanderbilt University

    NSF awards $4M to expand national high school engineering program

    BME professor Stacy Klein-Gardner is e4usa co-director and co-PI The National Science Foundation has awarded partner institutions $4 million over the next three years to broaden the impact of Engineering for US All (e4usa), an NSF-funded program that makes engineering more accessible to high school students and educators. e4usa provides an… Read More

    Nov. 8, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt partners with NSF’s E4USA to bring engineering to Tennessee high schools

    Vanderbilt one of 5 U.S. universities to initiate program; 4 state high schools to join next year Engineering for US All, a national initiative to bring engineering courses to high school students, is expanding its reach for the 2020-2021 academic year. E4USA, supported by a National Science Foundation grant,… Read More

    Jun. 11, 2020