
  • Vanderbilt University

    EE student connects with The Wond’ry in designing African language app to connect with native roots

    During his winter break in 2020, sophomore engineering student Wenitte Apiou was struck with an idea that stemmed from his native African roots. In Burkina Faso, West Africa, where Apiou grew up, the national language is French. After moving to the U.S., Apiou realized he hadn’t had the opportunity to… Read More

    Dec. 2, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    Alumni-founded phone case company expands finishes and future plans

    An alumni-owned company that developed copper-based phone cases amid the COVID-19 pandemic has set its long-term sights on antimicrobial coatings for door handles, railings and other high-touch surfaces in public spaces. Aeris Copper also rebranded and added new phone case finishes to its product offerings. The company, now called… Read More

    Jul. 30, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    New leadership announced for the Wond’ry

    David A. Owens (Vanderbilt University) David A. Owens, a leading thinker on innovation and new product development and Owen Graduate School of Management faculty member, has been named the Evans Family Executive Director of the Wond’ry. Owens is a professor of the practice of… Read More

    Jun. 7, 2019

  • Vanderbilt University

    DC innovation showcase to feature student-led Zeno Power Systems

    The Vanderbilt University students behind Zeno Power Systems, a clean energy company that could serve schools and hospitals in remote locations, will discuss their path to entrepreneurship Wednesday at The University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Showcase in Washington, D.C. Hosted by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Association… Read More

    Apr. 8, 2019

  • Vanderbilt University

    The Wond’ry with VISE lands $500K I-Corps site grant to boost startups

    In collaboration with the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering, The Wond’ry recently won a five-year, $500,000 National Science Foundation grant to become an Innovation Corps site. The designation marks Vanderbilt as one of the premier academic institutions nationwide that nurture entrepreneurship. The I-Corps site grant will support programs to… Read More

    Sep. 5, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    Innovation Garage teams work with the Wond’ry, Accenture PLC pros to invent and disrupt

    The Wond’ry’s program manager, Deanna Meador, speaks to Team Invent, part of the Innovation Garage program. (Susan Urmy/Vanderbilt University) The two team names for Vanderbilt’s Innovation Garage arguably cover most of what innovation is: Team Invent and Team Disrupt. Innovation Garage is the result of a partnership between the Wond’ry,… Read More

    Apr. 6, 2017