
  • Vanderbilt University

    Laser harp combines PhD student’s love of optics and music

    Mayna Nguyễn, a biomedical engineering PhD student, combines her love of optics and music in a laser harp she built and plays. Ph.D. student Mayna Nguyen recently combined a longtime hobby with her study of biomedical optics with dazzling results: a playable laser harp that embodies both her love for… Read More

    Feb. 21, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Cancer-fighting T cells smarter, stronger than experts thought

    Vanderbilt engineers have made a significant leap toward developing killer T cells to attack cancer tumors by “nudging” them into action with far less evidence of disease than previously thought. Now, researchers will look for T cells that demonstrate potential for the strongest binding when they’re flung at damaged cells. Read More

    Aug. 20, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    Flying saucer’ quantum dots hold secret to better, brighter lasers

    This computer-generated model shows the spherical core of the quantum dot nanoparticle (in red) along with the ‘flying saucer’ shape of the outer shell (in yellow). The tension in the core induced by the shell affects the electronic states and lowers the energy threshold required to trigger the… Read More

    Mar. 21, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    Professors Jansen: A story of life, love and research

      He is tall and lanky with the broad features typical of a Netherlander; she is diminutive and refined, reflecting her East Indian heritage. But with all of their differences, one would be hard pressed to find a more complementary couple than Duco and Anita Mahadevan-Jansen. “You couldn’t find two… Read More

    Jun. 18, 2008