Mobile Cloud Computing

  • Vanderbilt University

    Student team develops mobile app for Legal Aid

    Written by Vanderbilt University junior Economics major Sasha Pines The introduction of project-based University Courses at The Wond’ry will completely revolutionize the way we learn at Vanderbilt, as experiential learning is simply the best model for job training. Technology projects are inherently interdisciplinary, requiring clear communication and… Read More

    Feb. 21, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    Schmidt, White, peers across Vanderbilt teach mobile cloud computing to diverse majors

    Thanks to the Cross-College Teaching Initiative that began this semester, Douglas C. Schmidt, professor of computer science and computer engineering, and Jules White, assistant professor of computer science, launched the University Course Tackling Big Questions with Mobile Cloud Computing. An integral part of Vanderbilt’s Academic… Read More

    Nov. 4, 2016

  • Vanderbilt University

    School of Engineering offers three new graduate certificate programs

    The School of Engineering is offering three new certificate programs available to enrolled Vanderbilt graduate students. Two graduate certificate programs – Mobile Cloud Computing and Surgery and Interventional Engineering – will be offered starting in the fall semester 2016. A graduate certificate program in… Read More

    May. 3, 2016