• Vanderbilt University

    VISE affiliates awarded $2.5 million NIH grant for continued epilepsy research

    A team of Vanderbilt University engineers and surgeons has received a five-year, $2.5 million National Institutes of Health R01 grant to continue research into epilepsy-related seizures and brain networks. Victoria Morgan, associate professor of radiology and radiological sciences, is the principal investigator. Bennett Landman, associate professor of electrical engineering and… Read More

    Nov. 17, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Make science and medical research passionate and personal, expert urges

    America as a whole is losing its passion for science, a trend that jeopardizes biomedical advancements to cure disease, ease suffering, and improve lives, the head of a top academic association said Wednesday. “If we want science and medical innovation to once again define what America wants to be then… Read More

    Mar. 28, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Shining a light on the nervous system to thwart disease

    E. Duco Jansen, professor of biomedical engineering at Vanderbilt, and two other Vanderbilt professors developed the underlying infrared nerve modulation technology for the research into treating disease with light. (Vanderbilt University/Daniel Dubois) Vanderbilt University researchers are teaming with peers from two other universities to develop ways to fight disease with… Read More

    Nov. 16, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    NIH-funded collaboration to develop steerable robotic needles for lung biopsies

    What started as graduate school research with steerable needles in blocks of gelatin could help pulmonologists more accurately reach sites in the peripheral lung to biopsy them. A collaboration between that doctoral student – now Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Robert Webster; Dr. Fabien Maldonado a pulmonologist at Vanderbilt University… Read More

    Nov. 8, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    VISE team wins $1.4 million NIH grant to reboot robotic surgery system

    From the left, Associate Professor Robert Webster III, Dr. S. Duke Herrell and Harvey Branscomb Professor Michael Miga, lead a VISE team developing an image guidance interface for robotic surgery systems. (Anne Rayner/Vanderbilt) A Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering (VISE) team is developing an image guidance interface for the… Read More

    Oct. 17, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    New tissue-chip research to assess efficacy of novel epilepsy drugs

    NeuroVascular Unit and its perfusion controller, left, and the cardiac I-Wire system, right. (VIIBRE / Vanderbilt) An interdisciplinary team of Vanderbilt University researchers led by John Wikswo, A.B. Learned Professor of Living State Physics and Gordon A. Cain University Professor, has received a two-year, $2 million federal grant to develop an “organ-on-chip”… Read More

    Sep. 22, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    Six profs attract National Institutes of Health grants for wide-ranging research

    David Merryman is one of six engineering professors who earned R01 grants for their research. (Vanderbilt University) Five biomedical engineering professors and an electrical engineering and computer science professor are celebrating news about newly approved or resubmitted Research Project Grants (R01) from the Nationals Institutes of Health. Read More

    Jul. 12, 2016

  • Vanderbilt University

    Zelik named NIH Career Development Award Winner; earns grant, mentorship

    Karl Zelik, assistant professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering and physical medicine and rehabilitation, right, discusses research with graduate students. (Vanderbilt University) Assistant Professor Karl Zelik is one of three National Institutes of Health K12 Career Development Award winners for 2016 who will be participating in the… Read More

    Feb. 23, 2016

  • Will Grissom

    Will Grissom makes problem-solving nerds look cool

    Will Grissom is an assistant professor in biomedical engineering, radiology, and electrical engineering. This video was produced by Vanderbilt Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization. “I live for the problems we get to solve,” says Will Grissom, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, radiology and electrical engineering. The problems Grissom… Read More

    Sep. 25, 2014

  • Pietro Valdastri

    VU engineer wins $1.5 million to develop magnetic capsule endoscope

    Pietro Valdastri, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Vanderbilt University, and colleagues will continue to develop a unique endoscope for colonoscopy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease with the support of a 4-year, $1.5 million grant – “A magnetic capsule endoscope for colonoscopy in patients with… Read More

    Sep. 22, 2014