NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award

  • Vanderbilt University

    Braun receives NSF Early CAREER Award to create next-gen robots to assist humans

    David Braun, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, has received a prestigious NSF CAREER Award for foundational research in mechanically adaptive robotics. His CAREER project, “Mechanically Adaptive, Energetically Passive Robotics,” will enable the creation of new-generation industrial robots, transportation systems, and devices that can assist and augment humans. David Braun The five-year,… Read More

    Apr. 13, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Biomedical engineering researcher receives NSF Early Career award

    A Vanderbilt biomedical engineering researcher has received a Faculty Early Career Development award from the National Science Foundation. Skala Melissa Skala, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, is a pioneering researcher in the development of optical imaging, optical spectroscopy and nanotechnology for cancer diagnosis and therapy. The $509,000,… Read More

    Mar. 4, 2016