• Vanderbilt University

    Environmental engineering graduate student wins DOE nuclear technology R&D award

    Megan Harkema, a third-year graduate student studying nuclear environmental engineering at Vanderbilt University, has been awarded a prize in the Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Awards competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Fuel and Supply Chain. Megan Harkema Harkema’s research paper, The Dynamic Nature… Read More

    Aug. 12, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Breakthrough measurements/theory of vibrating atoms in nanostructures ushers in new class of technology

    Vanderbilt researchers Sokrates Pantelides and Joshua Caldwell are part of an international collaboration that has demonstrated a new way to manipulate and measure subtle atomic vibrations in nanomaterials. This breakthrough could make it possible to develop customized functionalities to improve on and build… Read More

    Jan. 26, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Smart power grid leader to deliver Nov. 8 Hall Engineering Lecture

    Yilu Liu led the effort to create the North American power grid Frequency Monitoring Network or FNET and is known for her research on electric power systems and smart grids. Liu was named an IEEE Fellow in 2003 and she was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2016 for innovations in electric… Read More

    Oct. 25, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt and University of Tennessee-Knoxville win NSF Sustainable Regional Systems Research Network grant

    Jonathan Gilligan, associate professor of Earth and environmental sciences, and Janey Camp, research associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, have won a Sustainable Regional Systems Research Network grant from the National Science Foundation. Jonathan M. Gilligan (Vanderbilt University) Janey Camp (Vanderbilt University) With a grant of… Read More

    Sep. 30, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    Student team takes top honors in data science challenge

    One of the team’s visualization showed popular intersections. Using data sets that included population, commuter traffic, air quality and other measures of downtown Chicago, a team of graduate and undergraduate students recently took the top spot in a challenge organized by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Urban data analytics was one… Read More

    Oct. 13, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering graduate student wins distinguished ORNL fellowship

    Marm B. Dixit, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, is a recipient of a Weinberg Distinguished Staff Fellowship in the Energy and Environmental Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. “The Weinberg fellowship is a highly competitive, prestigious early-career research opportunity that will enable Marm to create independent… Read More

    Jul. 9, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt engineer leads effort to define the pathways for solid-state battery development

    By Marissa Shapiro As society moves toward a future of renewable energy around the world, a vision is emerging of safe, energy-dense batteries that will allow electric vehicles to travel longer distances on a single charge, as well as decentralized grids to store massive amounts of energy to power entire… Read More

    Jun. 22, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    A four-way switch promises greater tunability of layered materials

    A scientific team from Vanderbilt University and the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has made the first experimental observation of a material phase that had been predicted but never seen. The discovery breaks new ground in the study of ferroelectricity, a characteristic of certain dielectric materials used in… Read More

    Nov. 19, 2019

  • Vanderbilt University

    Valentine named Vanderbilt faculty liaison with ORNL

    The Oak Ridge National Laboratory collaboration with Vanderbilt University will grow stronger through a new faculty liaison—a School of Engineering professor—and enhanced management of travel assistance awards. Jason Valentine, associate professor of mechanical and electrical engineering, is the new faculty liaison and will carry on the collaborations established by Carlos Lopez,… Read More

    Nov. 8, 2019

  • Vanderbilt University

    Safe solid-state lithium batteries herald ‘paradigm shift’ in energy storage

    The race to produce safe, powerful and affordable solid-state lithium batteries is accelerating and recent announcements about game-changing research using a solid non-flammable ceramic electrolyte known as garnet has some in the race calling it revolutionary. “This is a paradigm shift in energy storage,” said Kelsey Hatzell, assistant… Read More

    Jul. 19, 2018