Pam Wisniewski

  • Vanderbilt University

    Pamela Wisniewski is Flowers Family Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow in Engineering

    Pamela Wisniewski has been named a Flowers Family Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow in Engineering. She is an associate professor of computer science and an expert in the interplay between social media, privacy, and online safety for adolescents. Pamela Wisniewski The award recognizes professors who have shown strong evidence of scientific… Read More

    Mar. 14, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    How families can develop productive rules for screen time

    With the holidays quickly approaching, there’s one item that nearly every kid wants: a mobile phone or tablet equipped with the latest games and social apps. That prospect can be scary for adults, especially those who are considering entrusting younger children with a digital device for the first time. Pamela… Read More

    Nov. 22, 2022