Robert Bodenheimer

  • Vanderbilt University

    CS Professor Robert Bodenheimer wins inaugural IEEE Test of Time Award for influential paper

    Robert Bodenheimer, professor of computer science, has won an inaugural Test of Time Award from IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications for a paper published in 1998. The ToT Award recognizes regular or special issue papers published by the magazine that have made profound and long-lasting impacts in bridging the… Read More

    Mar. 16, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    CS student’s Microsoft dissertation grant supports her vision disability research

    Computer science graduate student Haley A. Adams has been awarded a 2021 Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant. She is one of 10 recipients in the United States and Canada who are underrepresented in the field of computing and pursuing research aligned to research areas carried out by Microsoft researchers. Microsoft aims… Read More

    Jul. 16, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    New TIPs efforts in geospatial research and heritage preservation tap engineering faculty

    Engineering faculty members will play key roles in two new university-wide interdisciplinary initiatives as well as help develop a Vanderbilt University institute of data science. The efforts are among the newest round of grants made through the $50 million Trans-Institutional Programs initiative, now in its fourth year. In all,… Read More

    May. 30, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering faculty co-lead three of six new University Courses

    Three new courses co-taught by engineering faculty are among the second set of six University Courses to be offered at Vanderbilt University. University Courses promote trans-institutional teaching and learning and meet degree requirements across undergraduate majors and many professional and graduate programs. All the… Read More

    Feb. 14, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    New minor in scientific computing launched

    A new interdisciplinary minor in scientific computing will be offered in fall 2011 to help students interested in pursuing careers as natural and social scientists and engineers acquire the computational skills that such careers demand. Bodenheim The minor was created by faculty from both the School of Engineering… Read More

    Apr. 5, 2011