Robert Weller

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt CubeSat data collected by ham radio operators worldwide

    Building a program of reliable CubeSats; doing real science at a fraction of the cost A tiny space hitchhiker named AO-85 is talking and thousands of ham radio operators worldwide and a handful of Vanderbilt University engineering researchers with the special interest of proud parents… Read More

    Feb. 12, 2016

  • Vanderbilt University

    Tiny ‘space hitchhiker’ to test radiation effects on electronics

    Smaller, lighter electronic components are more vulnerable to pesky cosmic ray particles Vanderbilt researchers are launching a miniature satellite into space in a quest to help future space missions better combat the harsh conditions of space, particularly radiation that can cause glitches or breakdowns in electronic components. Electrical engineering senior… Read More

    Jun. 4, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering faculty receive one-time-only IDEAS funds to support ‘breakthrough-level’ research

    Vanderbilt University will provide more than $3 million to 43 of its faculty researchers – 11 from the School of Engineering – over the next three years to support “breakthrough-level” research with the potential to “advance society’s greater good and collective wisdom.” The program, called Innovation and Discovery in Engineering… Read More

    Jun. 11, 2010