Student Success

  • STEM Tutoring

    STEM Tutoring

    FREE to ALL currently enrolled Vanderbilt students through the Penji platform! Web: Penji Tutoring – VanderbiltMobile: Penji for AppleMobile: Penji for Android✔ Virtual ✔ In-Person ✔ Drop-In ✔ Appointment ✔ Group  .image-layout–one .image-layout__figure:nth-child(2), .image-layout–one .image-layout__figure:nth-child(3), .image-layout–one-inset .image-layout__figure:nth-child(2), .image-layout–one-inset .image-layout__figure:nth-child(3), .image-layout–one-inset-small .image-layout__figure:nth-child(2), .image-layout–one-inset-small .image-layout__figure:nth-child(3), .image-layout–two-stacked… Read More

    Jun. 5, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    Julianne Vernon named engineering school’s interim associate dean for academic success

    Julianne Vernon has been appointed interim associate dean for academic success in the Vanderbilt School of Engineering by Philippe Fauchet, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Dean of Engineering. She fills a role previously held by William H. Robinson, who has been appointed the university’s vice provost for academic advancement and executive… Read More

    Jun. 4, 2020