Summa Cum Laude Graduates

  • Vanderbilt University

    Outstanding graduates recognized at 2019 Engineering Commencement Reception

    Vanderbilt Commencement, May 10, 2019 Philippe Fauchet, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Dean of Engineering, presented awards and honors to seniors May 9 at the school’s annual Commencement Reception. Banner Bearer Ian Faucher, Philippe Fauchet, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Dean of Engineering, and Founder’s Medalist David K. Zhang. David K. Zhang… Read More

    May. 9, 2019

  • Vanderbilt University

    Outstanding graduates recognized at 2017 Commencement Reception

    Awards and honors were presented by Dean Philippe Fauchet May 11, 2017, to seniors at the School of Engineering’s annual Commencement Reception. Duncan Matthew Morgan, from Woodstock, Georgia, is Founder’s Medalist for the School of Engineering and is graduating with a bachelor of engineering in… Read More

    May. 11, 2017