The Wond’ry
Second annual toy adaptation event expands to bring more play to more kids
By Lauren Carnahan Vanderbilt’s TOM (Tikkun Olam Makers) chapter hosted its second annual Toy Adaptation event, bringing together students to modify toys and make playtime more accessible for children with physical disabilities. Held at the Wond’ry, Vanderbilt’s Innovation Center, this year’s event expanded from its original focus on plush toys… Read MoreMar. 11, 2025
Vanderbilt students bring a whimsical tree to life at Susan Gray School
By Lauren Carnahan At Susan Gray School, a new tree installation has quickly become a favorite feature for the kids. This once empty space now invites students to settle into a cozy reading nook. The tree, with its soft colors and layered wooden branches, helps create… Read MoreMar. 7, 2025
Vanderbilt-Army collaboration yields improved grappling hook for combat engineers
A grappling hook or grapnel is a fierce looking object with multiple claws or flukes attached to a rope or cable. It is thrown, dropped, sunk, projected, or fastened directly by hand so at least one claw can catch and hold on to an object. For U.S. Army combat… Read MoreJul. 9, 2024
Vanderbilt contributes civil engineering and operational expertise to Nashville mayor’s climate adaptation and resilience plan
Vanderbilt faculty and staff have been key contributors to a Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan that was released by Metro Nashville on Sept. 19. Janey Camp Janey Camp, research professor of civil and environmental engineering, and Jaclyn Mothupi, director of social innovation at the Wond’ry, Vanderbilt’s Innovation… Read MoreSep. 21, 2023
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office visits VU to discuss research translation, trademarking and patenting, inclusive innovation
Senior leadership from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office recently visited Vanderbilt University to learn more about the innovation ecosystem in Nashville and about translational research being conducted on campus. Read MoreSep. 15, 2023
Little Sphere, Big Power: Students work to build miniature fusion reactor
By Amy Wolf It all started late one night in a first-year residence hall. A group of students were brainstorming ideas for an innovative project to collaborate on, and amid all the ambitious suggestions getting tossed around, one engineering major’s idea stood out: What if they built a… Read MoreMay. 19, 2023
The Wond’ry collaborates with IBM to equip learners for STEM-related careers
The Wond’ry, Vanderbilt’s innovation center, is working with IBM to equip Vanderbilt community members with no-cost STEM education and career readiness resources through IBM SkillsBuild, a no-cost education program focused on underrepresented communities, that helps develop valuable new skills and equitable access to career opportunities in technology fields. As… Read MoreFeb. 17, 2023
Charleson Bell named to Harvard Business School 2022 Young American Leaders
Charleson Bell, research assistant professor of biomedical engineering and director of biomedical innovation, biodesign and I-Corps at the Wond’ry, Vanderbilt’s Innovation Center, has been selected by Global Action Platform for the Young American Leaders Program at Harvard… Read MoreJun. 22, 2022
Rock-climbing student duo pursues scientific, business and Olympic dreams
Olivia Busk and Michael Finn-Henry by Amy Wolf Strategically managing precise steps up a wall or cliff at breakneck speeds is exactly where Michael Finn-Henry, a mechanical engineering student and contender for the 2024 Paris Olympics, finds clarity. Speed rock climbing is a finesse sport that requires fast feet… Read MoreApr. 25, 2022
The Wond’ry opens Launch incubator space for startups affiliated with Nashville’s universities
Chancellor Daniel Diermeier, David Owens, Evans Family Executive Director of the Wond’ry, Provost C. Cybele Raver, and Deanna Meador, Director of Entrepreneurship at the Wond’ry, attend the grand opening of an incubator space called Launch that is dedicated to startups affiliated with local universities. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) The… Read MoreApr. 8, 2022