Trans-institutional Programs

  • Vanderbilt University

    Three faculty members selected as 2016 Chancellor Faculty Fellows

    Three engineering professors have been named to the 2016 class of Chancellor Faculty Fellows. The class comprises 14 highly accomplished, recently tenured faculty from the humanities, social sciences, life and physical sciences, and clinical sciences, as well as business, education and engineering. “This class of fellows represents… Read More

    Jan. 21, 2016

  • Vanderbilt University

    Professors serve on Trans-institutional Programs review council, panels

    Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos (Vanderbilt University) Four engineering professors will serve on review boards of the formally launched new $50 million Trans-institutional Programs initiative outlined in the university’s Academic Strategic Plan. Doug Adams, Daniel F. Flowers Professor of Engineering and chair of the Department of Civil and… Read More

    Nov. 14, 2014