Undergraduate Commons

  • Vanderbilt University

    Barth appointed faculty head of house, joining The Ingram Commons

    Eric Barth, his wife Helen, and their daughters, Nola and Kira, outside Hank Ingram House during a recent visit. Eric Barth, associate professor of mechanical engineering, has been named the faculty head for one of the ten houses that make up The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons. Barth, his wife… Read More

    Mar. 21, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    Blast signals excavation at site of new Engineering and Science Building

    Engineering Dean Philippe Fauchet ceremoniously signals the beginning of excavation at the site of the new Engineering and Science Building with a 3-2-1 countdown to the blast foreman. The university marked a milestone September 17 when blasting began at the construction site for its new seven-story 230,000-square-foot Engineering and Science… Read More

    Sep. 25, 2014