Zhiyu Wan

  • Vanderbilt University

    Game theory points to new DNA data privacy solutions

    by Paul Govern Information based biomedical discovery, in particular the push toward precision medicine, depends on open-ended analysis of de-identified data from patients and research participants on the largest possible scale. Sharing data while controlling the risk of data reidentification under privacy attack is vital to the enterprise. Zhiyu Wan… Read More

    Dec. 17, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    Malin, Wan are winners in health data privacy competition

    A two-member team from Vanderbilt has won the 2016 iDASH Healthcare Privacy Protection Challenge, a competition open to international participants and devoted this year to privacy protection for genome analysis in a cloud computing environment. The competition’s two other winning teams were in large part composed of members from industry… Read More

    Dec. 1, 2016