Construction continues at the site of the new Engineering and Science Building, located near 25th Avenue South on the former Olin Lawn. Blasting at the site is scheduled to begin Sept. 17 and run through Oct. 29.

Blasting is planned for 9 a.m., 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. each day. If the contractor cannot perform a blast within the designated three-minute window, the alternate time of 3 p.m. will be used. Though there are three scheduled times for blasting, there may not be three blasts each day.
Vehicular and pedestrian traffic will be stopped on Garland, Highland and 25th avenues around the time of each blast. Vehicular and pedestrian traffic along 24th Avenue will continue during blast times.
For more information, contact facilities manager Gary Walker at (615) 322-0414 or