Ten years ago Vanderbilt researchers published a paper that has passed the test of time.
This year, the Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys) introduced a new Test of Time Award at its 12th annual event held in Nov. 3-6 in Memphis, Tenn. SenSys is the premiere wireless sensor network conference organized by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society.
The Test of Time Award is given to papers making long-lasting academic and practical impacts that were published at least 10 years ago.
Two papers earned the inaugural award and one of those awards went to Miklós Maróti, Branislav Kusy, Gyula Simon and Ákos Lédeczi (Vanderbilt University): “The flooding time synchronization protocol,” 2nd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, Baltimore, MD, November, 2004 (ACM Digital Library) (Google Scholar).
“The Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol (FTSP) makes a fundamental contribution to sensor networks and serves as a foundation for other advances in time synchronization protocols. Without accurate time dissemination and maintenance, sensor network applications would not have evolved so rapidly,” according to ACM judges.
“We think of it as a Best Paper Award on steroids since it recognizes what were the best/most influential papers 10 years after publication. The conference itself is probably the best venue in wireless sensor network research. It is single track, highly selective (< 20%) and the papers are journal quality and length,” said Ákos Lédeczi, co-author and associate professor of computer engineering at Vanderbilt.
First author Miklós Maróti earned a Ph.D. in mathematics at Vanderbilt University. Now he is a faculty member at the Bolyai Institute at the University of Szeged, Hungary. Co-author Branislav Kusy, earned a Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Vanderbilt, and he is currently a senior research scientist at CSIRO in Brisbane, Australia. Co-author Gyula Simon, who was a visiting researcher at Vanderbilt’s Institute for Software Integrated Systems, is now an associate professor at the University of Pannonia in Hungary.
The second Test of Time Award went to a 2004 paper presented by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.

Vanderbilt researchers earned an additional award at the conference. Addisu Taddese received the Best Poster Award for presenting the work, “A Modular Architecture for Miniature Capsule Robots Based on TinyOS,” by Taddese, Marco Beccani, Ekawahyu Susilo, Péter Völgyesi, Ákos Lédeczi and Pietro Valdastri.
Taddese is an electrical engineering graduate student. Völgyesi is a research scientist in electrical engineering and computer science. Beccani is a mechanical engineering graduate student and Susilo is a postdoctoral scholar in mechanical engineering. Valdastri is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering.
Brenda Ellis, (615) 343-6314
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