In fall 2021, Vanderbilt University will offer a graduate program that will equip engineers to improve translation of technology for medical procedures and surgery.
The School of Engineering, in partnership with the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering, is launching a master’s of engineering program in surgery and intervention that will prepare engineers to address challenges and provide solutions at the interface of engineering and medicine.
Within steps of Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a nationally ranked teaching hospital, the members of VISE have been performing trans-institutional work within the domains of surgery, intervention and engineering.

“This type of program is highly needed in the industry and Vanderbilt School of Engineering is uniquely qualified to offer it,” said Michael Miga, Harvie Branscomb Professor, professor of biomedical engineering, and member of the VISE Steering Committee. “The focus of VISE and the master of engineering in surgery and intervention is to train a new cadre of engineers that combine cross-cutting engineering disciplines with clinical immersive experiences to improve and transform the trajectory of procedural medicine.”
The 30-credit-hour program is designed to intensify training in the domains of engineering for surgery and intervention with exposure to clinical domains. The core skill sets available for training are interventional imaging, therapeutics and delivery, modeling, simulation, image processing and analysis, data science, robotics, and medical devices.
“The ESI degree program is the newest addition to a strong portfolio of work ongoing within VISE and across the School of Engineering,” said Philippe Fauchet, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Dean of Engineering. “We believe clinical translation can be dramatically improved by advanced training of engineers intimately familiar with medical procedures and trained in the inception of novel technology-based platforms.”
Contact: Brenda Ellis, 615 343-6314