Academic Services

The Office of Academic Services is the engineering school's resource for undergraduates with questions related to registration for courses, application of transfer credit, dropping or adding major/minor programs, academic support services such as tutoring, and academic advising. This office also assists incoming students (both first-year and transfer students) with registration.

The office is located in Suite 104 of Featheringill Hall, just off the Adams Atrium.

Academic Information - FAQs

  • Academic Standing

    Q1 Why am I on probation?

    Students are placed on probation if they fail to meet the following standards:

    • First-years: earn 12 or more credit hours and maintain a 1.80 semester GPA
    • Others: earn 12 or more hours and maintain a 2.0 semester GPA

    If students fail to meet the promotion standards, then they will also be placed on probation. The standards are as follows:

    • Promote to sophomore: Earn 24 hours; maintain 1.80 GPA; spend two semesters in residence at Vanderbilt
    • Promote to junior: Earn 54 hours; maintain 1.90 GPA; spend at least 4 semesters in residence at Vanderbilt
    • Promote to senior: Earn 86 hours; maintain 2.0 GPA; spend 6 semesters in residence at Vanderbilt

    In addition, a student must also promote to the next academic class every two regular semesters according to the VUSE promotion standards (above) to remain in good standing.

    Q2 I am on probation. How do I get back to good standing?

    Creating a plan to get back on track is important to reach good standing. Meeting the GPA, hours earned, and promotion requirements will allow the student to return to good standing.

    Q3 If I am concerned about my academic standing what are some other consequences to know about?

    Under certain circumstances, a student may be required to take a semester-long leave of absence from the university known as a required leave of absence. Any student who is deemed by the Administrative Committee not to be making satisfactory progress toward a degree in engineering will be dismissed from the School of Engineering and from Vanderbilt University. More information on a required leave or dismissal can be found in the School of Engineering section of the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Catalog.

  • Advising

    Q1 Where can I find the academic information that I need?

    The Undergraduate Catalog is the main resource to which you should refer  for policies related to your curriculum and degree requirements. The VUSE website,  Office of the Registrar website and the Office of Academic Services has additional information.

    Q2 What courses should I take?

    The Undergraduate Catalog has a specimen curriculum which is a recommended schedule for each semester at Vanderbilt by major. Further, you will be required to meet with your faculty adviser prior to enrolling in courses so he/she will be able to help you select courses.  Additional help is available in the Office of Academic Services.

    Q3 How do I know who my adviser is?

    Incoming students are assigned a faculty adviser chosen from the faculty in the student’s intended major.  When a student changes her/his major, they will be assigned a different adviser from their newly chosen field.  Students will remain with their adviser throughout their time in the School of Engineering.  The adviser assignment is visible in YES in the “Academic Record.”  First-year students won’t have an assigned faculty adviser until approximately a week prior to their arrival on campus.

    The Office of Academic Services have counselors who serves as backup advisers for all Engineering students. Although they do not replace the faculty advisers, they serve as a supplement for the advising relationship and help students find their way. Engineering Advising orients first-year engineering students to the School of Engineering and works closely with students as they progress through the engineering curriculum. The Office of Academic Services programs and services inform, support, and encourage individuals to be self-directed in their Engineering education.

    Q4 What kinds of topics can I potentially discuss with my adviser?

    An adviser/advisee relationship works best when the student arrives to any meeting prepared to discuss matters related to both short-term and long-term planning.  Short-term planning can include what courses to take in the upcoming semester, how to change majors, and possible summer plans (internships, research, study abroad, taking courses elsewhere).  Long-term planning should include a discussion of your future career goals, planning for future semesters, and life after Vanderbilt.  Your faculty adviser is an expert in the field that you plan to join and will be one of your most valuable guides and allies as you navigate your undergraduate experience.

  • Classification

    Q1 How do I know my classification?

    A student’s classification is listed on their YES profile. Classification is calculated by hours earned and semesters in residence at Vanderbilt.

    • Promote to sophomore: Earn 24 hours; maintain 1.80 GPA; spend two semesters in residence at Vanderbilt
    • Promote to junior: Earn 54 hours; maintain 1.90 GPA; spend at least 4 semesters in residence at Vanderbilt
    • Promote to senior: Earn 86 hours; maintain 2.0 GPA; spend 6 semesters in residence at Vanderbilt

    Q2 Can I change my classification? 

    Classifications can only be changed when students meet promotion standards.  Anyone interested in discussing this can meet with a member of the Office of Academic Services staff.

  • Dean’s List and Honors

    Q1 What are the requirements for dean’s list?

    Students must maintain at least a 3.5 GPA in a minimum of 12 hours of coursework taken on a letter grade basis. Students additionally must not have any temporary or missing grades in any course and no grades of F.

    Q2 I want to do an honors program; where can I find more information?

    The Undergraduate Catalog contains the honors information for each major. With approval of the Honors Program director, junior (and in some cases senior) students who have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.5 may be accepted into the undergraduate Honors Program.

  • Full Time Vs. Part Time Status

    Q1 How many hours are needed to be a full-time student?

    12 hours per semester is considered to be full-time. If you plan to take less than 12 hours you will need to contact the Office of Academic Services for authorization.

    Q2 Do I need to be a full time student?

    Students need to maintain 12 hours per semester in order to avoid academic probation.  Part-time student status brings varying possible consequences and will result in academic probation for students of all classifications.

    Seniors in their final semester who have less than 12 hours remaining to graduate may be able to underload. Please contact the Office of Academic Services for more information

    Q3 What happens if I fall below full-time status?

    There are a few possible consequences to being a part-time student. Please see the list below:

    • Academic probation
    • Financial aid may be impacted
    • Ineligibility for Greek rush, an officer in a student society, or representing the University in external affairs
    • Ineligibility to earn Dean’s list honors
    • Health insurance and car insurance policies may require full-time status
    • May need to report a part-time status when applying to medical school or law school
    • Immigration status may be in jeopardy
    • Loans may need to be paid back earlier if a student is part-time

    Students planning to take a part-time schedule must contact the Office of Academic Services to sign paperwork authorizing them to take a reduced course load.

    Q4 Can I take more than 18 hours?

    In certain circumstances students may be approved to take more than 18 hours. Please contact Dean Cynthia Paschal via email ( for permission if you would like to take more than 18 hours.

  • GPA Information

    Q1 Where can I find my current GPA?

    A student’s GPA can be found on YES under the ‘Academic Record’ and ‘Academic Detail’.

    Q2 If I take classes at another school, are those grades included in my Vanderbilt GPA?

    No, the grades earned at another institution and transferred back to Vanderbilt will not count towards your Vanderbilt GPA. These courses will only earn credit hours towards the student’s degree.  This is also true for Vanderbilt Study Abroad programs, as well as for non-Vanderbilt affiliated study away.

    Q3 What is the required GPA to graduate? 

    A 2.0 GPA minimum in three areas:  all major courses, all Engineering courses, and all courses taken cumulatively is required to graduate. If a student has met all other requirements but does not have the minimum GPA, he/she will not graduate.

  • Grade Requirements

    Q1 What is considered a passing grade?

    A grade of D- or higher is considered a passing grade. A grade of ‘F’ is not passing.

  • Leave of Absence

    Q1 What is a leave of absence?

    A leave of absence allows students to interrupt their studies for one or two fall/spring semesters. Students can take either a medical leave or a personal leave. Medical leaves are usually recommended by a medical professional and require medical clearance prior to returning to your studies. Personal leaves require clearance by Engineering Administration, but do not usually require clearance to return to campus. Reasons for a leave may include but are not limited to: participation in a non-academic program, working to earn money, attending to a family crisis, or gaining a sense of direction. Please see the above section on 'Academic Standing' for additonal information on a required leave of absence. 

    Q2 How do I apply for a leave of absence?

    Contact the Office of Academic Services to discuss dates, deadlines, and other options that might be appropriate.  Students will then be asked to complete a ‘Request for Leave of Absence’ form’. You may later request an extension to a third fall/spring semester if necessary. 

    Q3 How do I return from a leave of absence?

    Returning from a personal leave does not require any special permissions assuming that you return during the semester that you anticipated returning when initiating your leave of absence.  Returning from medical leave requires medical clearance.  You can learn how to receive that clearance here.

  • Midterm Deficiencies

    Q1 What do I do if I received a midterm deficiency letter from the University Registrar’s Office?

    It is highly recommended that the student meets with a staff member in the Office of Academic Services.  Appointments can be made by calling the Office of Academic Services at (615) 343-8061. Students may also choose to meet with their faculty adviser. 

    Q2 How do I view my midterm deficiency?

    The midterm deficiency letter is accessible via Your Enrollment System (YES). It can be located by navigating to ‘Academic Record’ then ‘Academic Detail’ under the Semester in which the deficiency letter was received.

    Q3 What resources are available to help me overcome academic struggles?

    Many Vanderbilt students find themselves challenged by their classes for the first time and discover they need to "learn" how to study. Vanderbilt offers a range of supportive services to help students through this transition, including STEM tutoring via the Penji application. The Center for Student Wellbeing (CSW) also provides individual appointments and group workshops on academic skills and strategies. The CSW provides learning and information processing training for students who often understand course material but have difficulty applying it on exams, as well as workshops on time and task management, stress management, and test preparation strategies. We also encourage students to form study groups with the other students in their classes, which will also help you develop a strong, supportive social network. Keep in contact with your adviser and Academic Deans—we’re here to help!

  • Pass/Fail Classes

    Q1 Can I take a class Pass/Fail instead of a letter grade?

    It depends upon your classification, major, and the course you desire to take Pass/Fail From the Undergraduate Catalog: 

    Pass/Fail Course Provision

    Students may elect to take a limited number of courses on a Pass/Fail basis. To enroll for a course on a Pass/Fail basis, students must have completed at least two semesters at Vanderbilt, must have achieved at least sophomore standing, and must not be on academic probation. 

    In addition, the following regulations apply to students enrolled in the School of Engineering:

    1.   No more than 9 hours graded P will be accepted toward the B.S. or B.E. degree, as designated by each program's curriculum.

     Pass/Fail Electives Options by Program




    Arts Core






























             X (non-ME)


    2.   No more than two courses may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis in any one semester.

    3.   A minimum of 12 hours must be taken on a graded basis in any semester that a Pass/Fail course is taken. A graduating senior who needs fewer than 12 hours to graduate may take courses on a Pass/Fail basis as long as he or she takes the number of hours needed to graduate on a graded basis. 

    4.   Students may register for grading on a Pass/Fail basis until the deadline to withdraw (with a 'W') for the semester. Students may change from Pass/Fail to graded status until the deadline to withdraw for the semester. The deadline is posted on the Academic Calendar found on the Registrar's website.

    Those electing the Pass/Fail option must meet all course requirements (e.g., reports, papers, examinations, attendance, etc.) and are graded in the normal way. Instructors are not informed of the names of students enrolled on a Pass/Fail basis. At the end of the semester, a regular grade is submitted for the student enrolled under the P/F option. Any grade of D- or above is converted in the Student Records System to a P, while an F will be recorded if a student enrolled under this option fails the course. The P grade is not counted in the grade point average nor used in the determination of honors. The grade of F earned under the Pass/Fail option is included in the calculation of the grade point average.

    Q2 How do I change a class from a letter grade to Pass/Fail?

    A course can be changed from a letter grade to Pass/Fail by completing the ‘Application to Request Pass/Fail Status’ form. The deadline to complete this action is typically on the same date as the deadline to withdraw from a course.The academic dates and deadlines can be found on the Office of the University Registrar website.

    Q3 How do I reverse a class from Pass/Fail to a letter grade?

    The Office of Academic Services has a form titled ‘Request to Convert Pass/Fail Status to a Regular Grade in a Course’. The deadline to complete this action is typically on the same date as the deadline to withdraw from a course. The academic dates and deadlines can be found on the Office of the University Registrar website.

  • Reinstatement

    Q1 How do I return to Vanderbilt if I have been away from school for more than two consecutive terms?

    Undergraduate students seeking to return to the university after an extended absence, or those who were dismissed from the university for academic reasons, may apply for reinstatement. Students should submit the Application for Reinstatement and all related materials to the Reinstatement Coordinator in the Office of the University Registrar. More information may be found at the following link. 

    Q2 Where can I find more information about the reinstatement process?

    If a student was suspended or dismissed from the university for academic reasons, the original dismissal letter should be referred to for specific details on when the student is permitted to apply for reinstatement and what is required in order for the student to return.

    If a student was suspended from the university for disciplinary reasons, the original suspension letter should be referred to for any special requirements for reinstatement imposed by the Office of Student Accountability, Community Standards, and Academic Integrity.

    Dean Paschal may be contacted for questions about eligibility to return to Vanderbilt at

  • Repeating Classes

    Q1 Can I repeat a course at another school which I failed at Vanderbilt?

    No, you must retake the same course at Vanderbilt—it cannot be taken at another institution. However, if you received a ‘W’ on your transcript for a course then this can be taken at another institution.

    Q2 I transferred a class into Vanderbilt and decided to retake it. Can I still use my original transfer credit?

    No, the original transfer credit will be removed from the Vanderbilt record if the student retakes it at Vanderbilt.

    Q3 If I repeat a class, will my first grade be removed from my GPA?

    All grades earned will be shown on the transcript, but only the latest grade will be used for computation of grade point averages. Courses in which you earned a B- or higher are not eligible to be retaken for GPA replacement purposes.

Curricula Information - FAQs

  • Catalog Year

    Q1 What is a catalog year?

    A student’s catalog year refers to the academic year the student was first admitted to Vanderbilt.

    Q2 How do I know what catalog year I am on?

    The catalog year is important because the student is expected to follow the curriculum requirements that were in effect that academic year. For example, if a student was admitted in Fall 2022 their catalog year would be 2022-2023. 

    Q3 Can I change my catalog year?

    Students can choose to follow any catalog year during the years they are a student at Vanderbilt. Students inquiring about a catalog year change should contact the Office of Academic Services.

  • Change of Major

    Q1 How do I change my major?

    The Major/Minor Declaration/Change workflow can be found by clicking on the link.

    1. The above workflow is to change your primary major within your home school or to add/drop a second major or minor inside or outside your home school. To change your primary major to a major outside of your home school please click here for more information.
    2. For declaring CS as a second major or minor, follow the instructions listed here prior to completing the webform to gain approval from the CS adviser first
    3. Class of 2028 School of Engineering students please use the major declaration form on the incoming students page here

    Q2 How do I declare a major from VUSE?

    Computer Science is the only major that Arts and Science, Blair, or Peabody students can declare without transferring to the School of Engineering.

    If you are a student from Blair, Peabody or the College of Arts and Science and want to declare a major other than Computer Science you will need to complete an Intra-University Transfer (IUT) Application in order to change your residence into the School of Engineering. The application contains the eligibility requirements. In addition, students should complete two semesters of calculus and two semesters of applicable lab-based science prior to transferring. We also require students to have a 2.0 average GPA in any STEM courses taken at Vanderbilt (Science, math or engineering courses).

  • Changing Your Graduation Term

    Q1 How do I change my graduation term?

    Students in the School of Engineering cannot change their expected graduation term to an earlier semester unless they are planning to graduate early. Students planning to graduate in three years may request to change their expected graduation term (EGT) after the completion o ftheir fourth regular semester in residence; those planning to graduate one semester early may request to change their EGT after the completion of their fifth regular semester. Such requests much include a semester-by-semester plan showing how they will meet graduation requirements by the conclusion of their new expected graduation term. The plan must meet all prerequisite streams and be feasible based on course schedules available at the time of plan creation. The request also must include the approval/ endorsement of the Director of Undergraduate Studies in their major.

  • Degree Audit

    Q1 What is the degree audit and how does it work?

    The degree audit is an academic advising document that maps a student’s degree requirements against their academic transcript.

    Q2 Why do I need to look at my degree audit?

    The purpose of the audit is to provide information to assist in academic planning and appropriate course scheduling. It is important for students to consistently view the audit by refreshing it to ensure they are on track with their requirements. It is also the student’s responsibility to seek out a correction if anything is incorrect on the audit. For questions about the degree audit students may contact the Office of Academic Services.

    Q3 Can I choose a different major to view in my degree audit?

    Yes, the “What If” degree audit is a tool to show students what their audit would look like if they pursued a different major(s) or minor(s). The “What If” audit will default to the settings used most recently, however these can be updated.

  • Focus Areas

    Q1 What is a focus area? 

    Focus areas provide guidance to students wishing to concentrate on a specialized topic within engineering. Focus areas are typically nine credit hours, and qualifying courses are listed in the catalog. Students can declare a maximum of three focus areas; however, a qualifying course cannot be applied to more than one focus area. Students interested in declaring a focus area must do so before the start of their final semester at Vanderbilt. Successful completion of a declared focus area will be designated on a student’s transcript upon graduation.

    Q2 What focus areas are available?

    We have the following focus areas available: Human Computer Interaction, Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, Strategic and Technical Consulting, Engineering Communications, Technology Entrepreneurship & Product Development.

    Q3 How do I declare a focus area? 

    You can declare a focus area on the Engineering Forms webpage by clicking on the Engineering Focus Area Kuali webform. 

  • Intra-University Transfer

    Q1 If I am switching my undergraduate school to be in the School of Engineering and have not taken the ES 1401-1403 Introduction to Engineering modules, what would be a substitution? 

    Policy for ES 140X substitutions, as accepted by BME, ChE, CivE, CS, ECE, ENVE, ES, and ME:

    Students transferring into a major in BME, ChE, CivE, CS, ECE, ENVE, ES, or ME who do not have credit for ES 140x may substitute an equivalent number of credits from any course(s) in BME, CHBE, CE, CS, DS, ECE, ENGM, ENVE, ES, or ME except the following:

    1) CS 1151, DS 1000 & ENGM 2440,
    2) ES 2700, 2900, 3884,
    3) ENGM 3350, and
    4) courses that are restricted to open elective credit toward a degree in any of these disciplines, such as BME 1015, CS 1000, ENGM 4800, ES 1001, and any course numbered 2860.

    The substituting course(s) cannot simultaneously be counted toward other requirements in the primary degree, nor can it(they) be taken pass/fail. Accepted substitutions include UG research courses and ES 2100W Technical Communications (for those programs that do not require this course).

    Q2 Aside from the Intra-University Transfer (IUT) application, do I need to complete any other requirements?

    Students planning on declaring Computer Science as a primary major must complete and include the Computer Science Intra-University Transfer Applicant Information when submitting their IUT application.

  • Liberal Arts Core

    Q1 What is the liberal arts core?

    In order to provide the elements of a general education considered necessary for responsible practice as an educated engineer, the School of Engineering requires each student to complete at least 18 hours in the Liberal Arts Core comprising:

    1. At least 3 hours selected from courses classified in the AXLE Curriculum Course Distribution as Humanities and Creative Arts (HCA), with the exception of CMST 1500, 2100, 2110, and 2120,
    2. At least 3 hours selected from courses classified in the AXLE Curriculum Course Distribution as Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS).

    The remaining hours are to be selected from:

    1. Courses classified in the AXLE Curriculum Course Distribution as Humanities and Creative Arts (HCA), International Cultures (INT), History and Culture of the United States (US), Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS), and Perspectives (P)
    2. CS 1151 and ENGM 2440
    3. ARA, CHEB, CHIN, FREN, GER, GRK, HEBR, HNUR, ITA, JAPN, KICH, KOR, LAT, RUSS, SNSK, and SPAN courses numbered 1101; CHIN and JAPN courses numbered 1011 and 1012; and ENGL and SPAN courses numbered 1100. 448
    4. Peabody College courses in Psychology and Human Development numbered 1205, 1207, 1250, 2200, 2250, 2300, 2400, 2500, 2550, 2600, and 3150, and in Human and Organizational Development numbered 1250, 1300, 2100, 2260, 2400, 2500, 2700, and 3232
    5. All MUSC, MUSE, MUSO, COMP, MREP, MUTH, and performance courses in the Blair School of Music, except MUSO 1001

    Q2 Will my minor or second major coursework count for liberal arts core?

    Yes, if it is classified as a course in the AXLE Curriculum Course Distribution as Humanities and Creative Arts (HCA), International Cultures (INT), History and Culture of the United States (US, Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS), and Perspectives (P). There are other additional courses that are accepted for the Liberal Arts Core. Students are encouraged to consult the Undergraduate Catalog for the full description.

  • Minors

    Q1 What minors are offered in the School of Engineering?

    A declared minor consists of at least five courses of at least 3 credit hours each within a recognized area of knowledge. A minor offers students more than a casual introduction to an area, but less than a major. A minor is not a degree requirement, but students may elect to complete one or more. Courses applying to the minor may not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. A minor for which all designated courses are completed with a grade point average of at least 2.0 will be entered on the transcript at the time of graduation. When a minor is offered in a discipline that offers a major, only those courses that count toward the major may be counted toward the minor. Students should refer to the appropriate sections of the undergraduate catalog for specific requirements. Currently, minors are offered in computer science, data science, digital fabrication, electrical & computer engineering, energy and environmental systems, engineering management, environmental engineering, materials science and engineering, nanoscience and nanotechnology, and scientific computing.

    Q2 How do I declare a minor outside the School of Engineering?

    Minors are offered in most disciplines of the College of Arts and Science, Blair School of Music, and Peabody College.

    Students should declare their intention to pursue minors by completing the 'Change of Major' form. Departments and programs assign advisers to students who declare minors in their areas. Students are responsible for knowing and satisfying all requirements for the minors they intend to complete.

  • Open Electives

    Q1 What is an open elective?

    Any course offered for credit at Vanderbilt University except Math 1005, 1010, 1011, and 1100 or Physics 1010,1010L, 2051, 2052, 2053 and 2054.

    Q2 Will my minor or double-major coursework count as open electives?

    It depends, but many of the classes likely can count as open electives. If your minor or double-major coursework is classified as a Liberal Arts Core it will fulfill this area and will not go towards your open electives unless the Liberal Arts Core is already fulfilled. Similarly, if the minor or double-major coursework overlaps with your major degree requirements it will count in the appropriate category instead of open electives as well.

  • Second Majors

    Q1 What double majors are offered in the School of Engineering?

    Certain double majors involving two programs within the School of Engineering have been approved by the faculty. The approved double majors are biomedical engineering/electrical and computer engineering, and biomedical engineering/chemical engineering. The double major is indicated on the student's transcript. Only one degree is awarded, from the school in which the student is enrolled in her or his primary major.

    Q2 How do I declare a double major outside the School of Engineering?

    It is possible for a student to combine an engineering field with a second area outside the School of Engineering. The student must obtain prior approval of each department and satisfy the requirements of each major, including the requirement regarding minimum grade point average.

  • Study Abroad

    Q1 Can I study abroad as an engineering student?

    Yes. GEO (Global Education Office) in the Student Life Center is the first stop for information about study abroad. The VUSE Study Abroad website contains information on specific programs that are affiliated with the School of Engineering. Students who wish to study abroad will need to work with their faculty adviser, the Office of Academic Services and GEO to ensure that the plan will work correctly for the expected graduation term.

    Q2 How do I know what courses to take abroad?

    Careful planning is the key for knowing what courses should be taken abroad. Many students find options for math electives, technical electives, liberal arts core or open electives to be the easiest to transfer back to Vanderbilt. However, students can take a number of different courses if equivalencies exist for the course requirements. In YES, the programs and course equivalencies can be found under the Study Abroad tab.

  • Transfer Credit

    Q1 Can the courses I took elsewhere count towards my degree at Vanderbilt?

    Possibly, but the courses would need to be evaluated to see if they are the equivalent to the course at Vanderbilt. It is the student’s responsibility to provide all information needed for an assessment of the program for which transfer credit is requested.

    During compressed time periods such as the break between fall and spring terms or the Maymester term, no more than one course (up to four credit hours) may be taken for transfer credit in any one such period.

    Work transferred to Vanderbilt from another institution will not carry with it a grade point average. No course in which a grade below C- was received will be credited toward a degree offered by the School of Engineering. School of Engineering students cannot take a course that was failed at Vanderbilt for transfer credit. 

    Transfer students must complete at least 60 hours of work at Vanderbilt. Two of the semesters must be the senior year. Please refer to the Transfer Students link.

    Q2 Is there a limit to the number of AP or IB credits I can transfer?

    The School of Engineering does not have a limit to the number of AP or IB credits you can transfer to Vanderbilt. However, we do not accept AP credit for Statistics and Physics.

    Some students may qualify for advanced placement or advanced credit in mathematics, science, the humanities and social sciences, or computer science. If advanced credit is awarded, it will not affect the student's Vanderbilt grade point average.

    Entering engineering students will be placed in the appropriate level mathematics course by the director of undergraduate mathematics program. Students offering one full year or more of high school credit in analytic geometry and calculus may qualify for advance placement in a regular sequence by scoring well on the Advance Placement Examination.

    Q3 If I plan to take classes over the summer how do I know if it will transfer to Vanderbilt?

    The transfer credit course review at Vanderbilt is conducted through the External Education Unit. They have each individual department review the syllabi to determine if they can grant transfer credit.

    Students may use the transfer credit search tool to see if a course has already been evaluated for transfer credit. If a student finds a course they wish to sign up for then they will want to submit the course for review. Students need to attach a syllabus if the course they are taking does not have an equivalency listed in the transfer credit search tool.

    Q4 Can I take a class or classes at a different institution in the same semester that I am enrolled in courses at Vanderbilt?

    No, concurrent enrollment at an external institution during a semester in which you are enrolled at Vanderbilt is not allowed.

  • Undergraduate Research

    Q1 When can I start doing research? How do I get started?

    For most students, research is a way to explore areas of special interest in a particular discipline of engineering. By the time students become juniors, they have begun to choose some specialization through their coursework and we find this is a great time to begin to engage in research. We have also found that research experience as an undergraduate makes students extremely competitive for graduate school, graduate fellowships and prestigious scholarships.

    To learn about the guidelines for seeking research opportunities, please visit the undergraduate research website.

    Q2 How do I get enrolled in undergraduate research or individual study?

    Research/individual study requires completion of a request in YES, which there is a YES User Guide on how to submit a request Individual Study. Once the request is submitted and approved by the relevant departments students will be enrolled.

Advising Resources

Registration Information - FAQs

  • Adding Class(es)

    Q1 How do I add my classes?  

    Students may enroll in courses in YES (Your Enrollment System). An advising hold will be placed each semester before registration, so students must make sure to contact their faculty adviser and schedule a meeting prior to enrollment so that they are clear to add courses.

    Once a student is logged into YES, the registration is located under the ‘Applications’ tab as ‘Student Registration’. In this tab students can view their enrollment dates, semester enrollment, courses in their registration cart and search for courses to add. The ‘Search Classes’ function is defaulted to a basic search but the advanced search is located to the right of the search window. Once a student searches for a course, a plus sign will appear next to the course. The student may click on the plus sign to add the course to their registration cart.

    Students may add classes through YES through the first week of class; after the first week of class students need to use a “Change of Course Request” form and receive Instructor permission to add a course. We recommend that students check the Office of the University Registrar’s website for the academic dates/deadlines calendar.  

    Q2 I'm an incoming first-year student. How do I register for my first semester classes?

    The Office of Academic Services will communicate with you prior to your registration (multiple times) to explain these processes.  In short, you will login to YES to see your registration appointment windows, and to view YES tutorials for complete information on using YES. Depending on your major, you will need between 120-127 hours to graduate; plan to average 15-17 hours per semester.  You will be advised on what classes to take sometime in mid-May.

    Q3 Can I enroll in two classes that have a time conflict?

    As stated in the Undergraduate Catalog, students are expected to attend all scheduled meetings of each class in which they are enrolled. As such, students cannot enroll in courses that have a time conflict.

    Exceptions for cases involving two courses required for the major that have a small overlap in time may be considered; contact the Office of Academic Services to discuss.

  • Dropping Class(es)

    Q1 How do I drop a class?

    Through the first 8 days of classes, students may drop classes through YES (Your Enrollment System). Once a student is logged into YES, the registration is located under the ‘Applications’ tab as ‘Student Registration’. In this tab students can view their enrollment dates, semester enrollment, courses in their registration cart and search for courses.

    Q2 I plan to drop a class and as a result I will drop below 12 hours. Am I still considered a full time student?

    A schedule which is less than 12 hours is considered to be part-time. Students who plan on taking a part-time schedule should contact the Office of Academic Services for additional information.

  • Holds

    Q1 I have a hold on my record. What do I do?

    In the instance that you have a hold, you will need to check what kind of hold you have. Contact the appropriate office for that specific hold (for example, student accounts or financial aid for a financial hold). If you need additional help, contact the Office of Academic Services.

    Q2  What is an Academic Adviser hold?

     Students are required to meet with their academic adviser prior to registering for classes each term. Academic Advising holds will be removed by the faculty adviser after that meeting has taken place.

  • Prerequisites and Co-requisites

    Q1 How do I find a list of prerequisites or co-requisites for classes?

    The prerequisites and co-requisites for a course will be listed in the course description for the course in the Undergraduate Catalog. The Office of Academic Services has curriculum sheets with the prerequisites and corequisites by major degree requirements. Students are welcome to contact the Office of Academic Services for a digital copy.

    Q2 Are prerequisites and co-requisites strictly enforced?

    Yes. The prerequisites and co-requisites are in place to make sure that students have the background information for the class they are going to take. Students should plan each semester carefully by consulting whether or not they will be meeting all prerequisites and co-requisites listed. 

    Students lacking prerequisites or co-requisites can be admitted to a course by the course’s instructor and using a 'Request for Course Requisite Variance' form.

  • General Registration Information

    Q1 What are important registration dates to know?

    All important academic dates/deadlines for the semester can be found on the Office of the University Registrar website. Some common dates to remember are the first and last day of classes, add/drop deadlines, registration windows, the deadline to change a course to pass/fail or to graded, etc.

    Q2 How much time should I allow between my classes?

    Care should be taken during the schedule building process to ensure that you have enough time to get from one building to the location of a subsequent class.  If you have a course in either the Engineering and Science Building (ESB) or Olin Hall, it could be difficult to reach classes on the Peabody campus, in Wilson Hall, or on the Blair School of Music campus.  If you have a course in either Featheringill Hall or Stevenson Center 5, it could be difficult to reach classes on the Peabody campus or on the Blair School of Music campus. 

    Q3 I get an Error message when trying to enroll ---does it mean YES is not working?

    No, it means that your action created an error. You should read the message carefully to see why there is an error. You might not meet the prerequisites for the class, or perhaps the class requires permission of the instructor. Check the message carefully. If you can't figure it out, contact the YES help desk ("Help" on the upper right corner of the page) before you panic!

    Q4  Why am I getting a requisite error when I meet the co-requisite and pre-requisite requirements?

    For classes that have co-requisite labs, discussions, or modules (for instance, ES 1401,1402, and 1403), you MUST have a seat (not a spot on the waitlist) in each component to get a spot in the class.  That is, if there is an available seat in the lecture component of course, but there is not an available seat in your preferred lab component, the enrollment transaction will not work for either component. You should choose a different lab (with available seats) and then use the drop if enrolled

    Q5  Why do a get a class capacity error or placed on the waitlist when there are seats available in a course?

    This could be for one of two reasons:

    1. The seats that remain available have been reserved for specific populations of students.  For example, the Math department typically reserves a portion of all Fall calculus courses (1300, 1301, and 2300) for incoming students.  Other departments reserve a portion of seats for student within their major or minor groups.
    2. The course in which you are attempting to enroll is combined with a graduate class and the combined capacity for both courses has been met.  When this happens, it can appear that there are seats available that are in fact filled by graduate students in the affiliated listing.

    Q6 Does Vanderbilt offer summer engineering classes?

    Some Engineering courses are typically offered during the summer semesters, though offerings are limited. Foundational courses in mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as courses in the liberal arts fields, are offered.

  • Waitlisting

    Q1 Can I get a seat in a class that is full?

    You may choose to place yourself on the waitlist for most classes (this will not happen automatically). The waitlist is an optional function that allows students to sign-up for a course that is closed. Students who are waitlisted for a course are not registered but are waiting to register for the course.

    Q2 Why do some classes have no waitlist?

    Waitlist options are determined by Vanderbilt departments. If there is no wait list for a class you will need to check the class periodically for open seats.

Other Information - FAQs

  • FE Exam

    Q1 What is the EIT or FE exam?

    The FE exam is the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. After you pass the FE exam, graduate and register with the state, you will have the EIT (Engineer-in-Training) certification.

    Q2 Why should I take the FE Exam?

    Licensed engineers have additional career options. As a PE, you would be able to perform certain tasks, such as stamp and seal designs, bid for government contract, be principal of a firm, perform consulting services and offer services to the public.

    Q3 How can I find out more information about the FE Exam?

    Dean Paschal may be contacted for questions about the FE Exam at

  • Involvement

    Q1 How do I join an engineering club?

    You can join a club anytime and it’s never too early to get involved! The Clubs and Organizations page has additional information.

  • Pursuing a Graduate Program

    Q1 If I am thinking about pursuing a graduate program where can I get more information?

    The Graduate Programs in Engineering website has information on the degree programs, graduate certificate programs, admission requirements and more.  Students may also request additional information by e-mailing

    Q2 If I want to pursue the accelerated Graduate Programs described in the Undergraduate Catalog, where can I get more information? 

    Students interested in one of our Accelerated Masters programs, whereby qualified students can earn a Bachelor and a Master’s degree in 4 or 5 years, should contact the Office of Academic Services.

    Q3 Is an engineering degree good preparation for medical school?

    Engineering’s practical approach to quantitative problem solving is excellent preparation for medical school. The prerequisites for medical school can be taken simultaneously while students are completing major degree requirements for engineering. Pursuing an engineering degree as a pathway to medical school is a rigorous pathway and we recommend that students plan carefully if they wish to pursue this track. The Health Professions Advisory Office can help students know which courses to take for medical school. The Office is located at 1801 Edgehill and appointments are recommended. Please visit their website for additional information.

Transfer Credit Evaluation Process

There are three ways in which School of Engineering students obtain transfer credit: External University Transfer, Semester or Summer Work Elsewhere, and Pre-Freshman Credit. In all instances, students should carefully review the instructions on the University Registrar website for Transfer Credit Course Review. The University Registrar website provides information on how to submit the course for review through YES (Your Enrollment System), transfer credit policies, and additional contact information.

  • External University Transfer Students

    Students who are transferring to Vanderbilt from another university must get their coursework evaluated prior to beginning their studies at Vanderbilt. Students who enroll in a class and find out later that transfer credit has been earned for that same course may make changes to their schedule during the open enrollment period from the end of July to the beginning of August.

  • Pre-Freshman Credit

    Incoming freshman to Vanderbilt may be eligible to earn credit for courses taken through an accredited college or university. Students must review the rules of eligibility on the University Registrar's website and then follow the directions on submitting the course for review.

  • Semester Work Elsewhere/Study Abroad

    The School of Engineering allows students to complete Summer coursework elsewhere and/or to study abroad to complete some of their degree requirements.  Students must review the general requirements listed on the University Registrar's website and then follow the directions on this website to submit the course for review. Students who wish to direct enroll or study abroad over the summer at an international institution need approval from Dean Julie Vernon.

Latin Honors

GPA-based Latin honors requirements for degree recipients are calculated from the top five, 13, and 25 percent levels of the preceding class.  These levels are calculated annually by the Office of the University Registrar and presented to the Undergraduate Associate Deans for approval.

Additional information is available at

Contact Us

  • Cynthia Paschal

    Cynthia Paschal

    Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education

    • 5332 Stevenson Center
  • Maddie Humbert

    Maddie Humbert


    • 104C Featheringill Hall
  • Allison Gomes

    Allison Gomes

    Undergraduate Advising Program Manager

    • 104E Featheringill Hall
  • Karly Kattenbraker

    Karly Kattenbraker

    Academic Program Manager

    • 104D Featheringill Hall
  • Emily Arizaga

    Emily Arizaga

    Academic & Educational Support Program Coordinator

    • 104 Featheringill Hall
  • Kelsey Griffin

    Kelsey Griffin

    Academic & Educational Support Program Coordinator, Office of the Dean

    • 104 Featheringill Hall

Contact Us

Office of Academic Services

Vanderbilt University School of Engineering
104 Featheringill Hall
400 24th Ave S., Nashville, TN  37212

Phone: 615-343-8061
Toll free: 877-676-9111
Fax: 615-343-0670

Mailing Address:
PMB 351519
2301 Vanderbilt Place 
Nashville, TN 37235-1519

Connect with us on Instagram: @vuse_studenthub

Our normal business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.