Electrical Engineering And Computer Science

  • Design Day attracts best-ever buzz; AT&T presents Innovation Award

    Design Day attracts best-ever buzz; AT&T presents Innovation Award

    AT&T presented the 2014 Innovation Award to biomedical engineering seniors Elaine Simpson, Christy Hsu, Annie Daorai, and Pere Cvitanovic and mechanical engineering seniors Jacob Brooks and Molly Cowan for their working prototype of a modified Kaye Reverse Walker. Read More

    Apr. 24, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering seniors, clients to review projects at Design Day 2014

    Engineering seniors have spent two semesters tackling design challenges from actual clients with real design needs. The results of their design projects will be featured at Design Day 2014, an annual School of Engineering event, Monday, April 21, 4-6 p.m. in Featheringill Hall. Corporate sponsors… Read More

    Apr. 11, 2014

  • Two engineering students qualify for ‘flash pitch’ to investors

    Two engineering students qualify for ‘flash pitch’ to investors

    Two entrepreneurial engineering students will deliver ‘flash pitches’ at an invitation-only qualifying event April 9 where judges – entrepreneurs and investors – will choose the top three to receive support to move their ideas through planning phases to launch. Tate Travaglini and John Boyd are among nine students selected through… Read More

    Apr. 7, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    U.S. tech giants, Vanderbilt engineers form group to create engineering standards for ‘Internet of Things’

    A new group called the Industrial Internet Consortium that includes Vanderbilt engineers and researchers in the university’s Institute for Software Integrated Systems (ISIS), American technology giants AT&T, Cisco, GE, IBM, Intel and 11 other companies announced its plans March 27 to create engineering… Read More

    Apr. 7, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Twelve engineering students receive NSF graduate fellowships

    Twelve current engineering graduate students have received graduate research fellowships from the National Science Foundation, which announced April 1 the 2014 class of fellows. They are Thomas Werfel, Joseph Thomas Sharick and Abigail M. Searfoss, biomedical engineering; Joseph Weinstein-Webb and William Robert Erwin, chemical engineering; Addisu Zerihun Taddese, Michael Allen… Read More

    Apr. 4, 2014

  • VUSE news roundup

    VUSE news roundup

    March 26, 2014 CNN.com: Ten visionary women School of Engineering alumna Kimberly Bryant used her experience at Vanderbilt to develop a computer science curriculum specifically aimed at girls of color. March 20, 2014 History Today: The new drones club A Vanderbilt University team has developed mapping… Read More

    Mar. 28, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering graduate program rises to No. 34 in U.S. News rankings

    The School of Engineering’s graduate program improved two positions to No. 34 in annual rankings by U.S. News & World Report. The 2015 graduate program rankings were released today. The school, which tied with Yale University and the University of Colorado-Boulder, ranks ahead of Rensselaer Polytechnic University and the University… Read More

    Mar. 11, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering professors edit journal’s special issue on augmented reality

    Vanderbilt engineering professors Jules White and Doug Schmidt, and University of Illinois professor Mani Golparvar-Fard, are guest editors of the February issue of Proceedings of the IEEE, the… Read More

    Mar. 6, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    InvisionHeart to pitch at Google Demo Day

    InvisionHeart, LLC, a startup based on a wireless electrocardiogram (ECG) system developed at Vanderbilt, has been selected as one of 10 startups nationwide to participate in Google’s inaugural Demo Day April 2. CEO Josh Nickols will pitch the company to a roomful of investors at the spring Silicon Valley event. Read More

    Mar. 5, 2014

  • VUSE news roundup

    VUSE news roundup

    February 21, 2014 Futurity: Baby hearts need rhythm to grow the right way A Vanderbilt research team has taken an important step toward the goal of growing replacement heart valves from a patient’s own cells. The team determined that the mechanical forces generated by the rhythmic expansion… Read More

    Feb. 21, 2014