Electrical And Computer Engineering
Automated tool can link brain scans to cognitive deficits in people with neurofibromatosis 1
By Leah Mann Laurie Cutting Researchers in the labs of Laurie Cutting, Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor and professor of special education at the Peabody College of education and human development, and Bennett Landman, professor and chair of the Department of Electrical and… Read MoreMar. 15, 2023
Vanderbilt students win best paper awards at SPIE international medical imaging forum
Four Vanderbilt engineering students working in the fields of computer science, electrical and computer engineering, and biomedical engineering won best paper awards out of hundreds of papers presented at the 2023 SPIE Medical Imaging conference held Feb. 19-23 in San Diego. SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics… Read MoreMar. 7, 2023
MEDLab’s perennial engineering class for college-bound girls earns praise
A hands-on interactive class designed by graduate students in the Medical Engineering and Discovery Lab (MEDLab) for high school students drew enthusiastic reviews from a Nashville college-preparatory school group. Sessions included introduction to engineering and STEM, computer aided design, robotics and coding, bioinspired design, and a civil engineering module on… Read MoreFeb. 28, 2023
Catie Chang is inaugural Sally and Dave Hopkins Faculty Fellow in the School of Engineering
Catie Chang, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, computer science, and biomedical engineering, has been named the inaugural Sally and Dave Hopkins Faculty Fellow in the Vanderbilt School of Engineering in recognition of her highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research. Catie Chang Chang develops engineering and computational approaches for… Read MoreFeb. 27, 2023
Lego robot building, wood glider competitions to highlight 2023 E-Week activities
Vanderbilt engineering students will showcase their ingenuity through some challenging–but fun–competitions and events during National Engineers Week February 20-24. All events will take place in Featheringill Hall’s Adams Atrium. The Engineering Council pulls the week together each year with help from student organizations. This year, sponsoring organizations include Engineers Without… Read MoreFeb. 10, 2023
Mona Ebrish named senior member of the IEEE
Vanderbilt engineering professor Mona Ebrish has been designated a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the highest professional grade of the IEEE. Mona Ebrish Prior to joining the Vanderbilt faculty in January 2023 as an assistant professor electrical and computer engineering, Ebrish was a… Read MoreJan. 13, 2023
Notable neuroscientist is keynote speaker for Vanderbilt’s 11th annual surgery and engineering symposium
The Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering is taking advantage of a five-day annual meeting in Nashville of the American Epilepsy Society by inviting two notable doctors to the VISE December seminar and symposium series. Dr. Martha Morell will deliver the Dec. 7 keynote address during the VISE 11th Annual… Read MoreNov. 28, 2022
VISE affiliate receives prestigious NIH award for her research on Alzheimer’s Disease
Biomedical engineering doctoral student Sarah Goodale has been awarded a National Institute on Aging Transition to Postdoc Fellowship for her proposed work on investigating fatigue and sleep disturbance symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease and their relationship with functional and structural properties of the brain and intellectual decline. The National Institutes of… Read MoreNov. 3, 2022
Engineering researcher Catie Chang harnesses the power of computational analysis to gain new insights into how the brain works
Vanderbilt researcher Catie Chang Advances in neuroimaging over the past 25 years have ushered in nothing short of a revolution in technology for understanding the human brain. These new technologies have opened broad vistas for scientists, from being able to pinpoint regions of the brain responsible for various functions and… Read MoreOct. 27, 2022
Executive Council established to lead engineering institute
An Executive Council of senior engineering leaders has been created to oversee governance of the School of Engineering’s Institute for Software Integrated Systems. “A substantial rise in the number of affiliated faculty, professional research staff, and students as well as growing significance of the Institute’s core research areas made it… Read MoreSep. 21, 2022