Mechanical Engineering
School bestows honors on 2012 graduating seniors
Awards and honors were presented by Dean Kenneth F. Galloway May 10 to 36 seniors at the School of Engineering’s annual Commencement Reception. Kathryn Elizabeth Maxwell, from Saltillo, Mississippi, is the 2012 Founder’s Medalist for the School of Engineering. She is graduating with a bachelor of engineering in chemical and… Read MoreMay. 11, 2012
Goldfarb is finalist for first Governor’s Award for Innovation
Michael Goldfarb, the H. Fort Flowers Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Vanderbilt, was among three finalists for the first Governor’s Award for Innovation Excellence for his development of a bionic leg. The award recognizes Tennesseans “whose dedication to enhancing our world through innovation has made a major impact… Read MoreMay. 3, 2012
EPA awards $90,000 to senior design team to further develop spinach powered solar cell
Team also wins Marketplace Innovation Award and Student Choice Award Earth Day 2012 proved exceptionally green for a Vanderbilt University team of five engineering seniors who designed a biohybrid solar panel that substitutes a protein from spinach for expensive silicon wafers that are energy intensive to produce, and is capable… Read MoreApr. 24, 2012
Engineering, Peabody effort lands NASA STEM outreach award
Rockets flew Sunday over Bragg Farms in Toney, Ala. during NASA’s annual University Student Launch Competition, and while the Aerospace Club won Best Payload Design Award for the third straight year, a first-time award has given Vanderbilt some additional bragging rights. A combined team from Vanderbilt Engineering’s Aerospace Club and… Read MoreApr. 23, 2012
Engineering team demos spinach powered solar cell at EPA competition in D.C.
Five Vanderbilt engineering seniors will be on the National Mall tomorrow through Monday demonstrating a solar panel that uses spinach to capture and convert the sun’s energy to electricity. The Vanderbilt team is one of 45 university and college teams from across the country competing in Phase II of the… Read MoreApr. 20, 2012
Emeritus professor Robert Weeks was a distinguished materials scientist
Robert Andrew Weeks, research professor emeritus of materials science and mechanical engineering, died April 10, in Maryville, Tenn. He was 87. Weeks was a distinguished research scientist in the field of solid state physics as well as a notable glass scientist. At the end of a 33-year career at… Read MoreApr. 16, 2012
Mechanical Engineering grad students take top honors at medical device conference
Mechanical Engineering graduate students David Comber and Massimiliano Simi have won first and second place in the Three-in-Five competition at the Design of Medical Devices Conference in Minneapolis, Minn. They were among 10 authors selected from the 112 accepted abstracts to give a five-minute presentation composed of no… Read MoreApr. 13, 2012
Seniors show off real-world design solutions for corporate sponsors at Senior Design Day April 19
Click to read catalog Senior engineering students are challenged to solve real-world design issues for university and corporate sponsors during a two-semester design course. Students will share results with their clients and the Vanderbilt community at Senior Design Day, April 19, from 3-5 p.m. in Featheringill… Read MoreApr. 11, 2012
Record year for Vanderbilt engineering NSF graduate fellowships
Ten current engineering graduate students recently received graduate research fellowships from the National Science Foundation. “Ten awards in a single year is a new high water mark for the School of Engineering,” said George Cook, the School’s Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies. “These are outstanding engineering students who… Read MoreApr. 4, 2012
Engineering graduate program rises to No. 35 in U.S. News rankings
Vanderbilt’s School of Engineering graduate program improved two positions to No. 35 in annual rankings by U.S. News & World Report. The 2013 graduate program rankings were released today. The School, which tied with the University of Colorado-Boulder and the University of Florida, ranks ahead of Virginia and Washington University… Read MoreMar. 13, 2012