Weiss participates in NSF advocacy day
Following an early morning flight to Washington, D.C., on May 7, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics Sharon Weiss braved the rainy weather to head to Capitol Hill and meet with staff members in the offices of Sen. Lamar Alexander, Sen. Bob Corker, Rep. Jim… Read MoreMay. 13, 2013
Founder’s Medal recipient chooses MIT over Microsoft
The number of graduating college seniors who get lucrative offers to work for Microsoft and turn them down has to be small, but Curtis Northcutt is part of that select group. Curtis Northcutt The Vanderbilt senior has decided to take his computer science degree to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology… Read MoreMay. 10, 2013
School bestows honors on 2013 graduating seniors
Awards and honors were presented by Dean Philippe Fauchet May 9 to 36 seniors at the School of Engineering’s annual Commencement Reception. Northcutt Curtis George Northcutt, from Lexington, Ky., is the recipient of the 2013 Founder’s Medal for the School of Engineering. He is graduating with a bachelor of science… Read MoreMay. 10, 2013
Learning in MOOC Years
Eight weeks and 30,000 students gave me a crash course in the future of digital learning technologies By Professor Douglas C. Schmidt During the past decade I’ve taught software design and programming courses to roughly 600 undergraduate and graduate students at Vanderbilt. Our low faculty-to-student ratio is one of the… Read MoreMay. 8, 2013
School of Engineering rewards exemplary faculty, staff service
The School of Engineering recognized faculty and staff members for their exemplary research, teaching, and professional service during the 2013 academic year. Dean Philippe Fauchet presented the annual awards during a reception May 7 in Featheringill Hall. The Edward J. White Engineering Faculty Award for Excellence in Service was presented… Read MoreMay. 7, 2013
John Wikswo at TEDx Nashville
Using the tools of physics, chemistry, engineering, physiology and molecular biology, researchers are exploring the unfathomable complexity that affects our development and growth and individual responses to disease, drugs, and aging. Read MoreMay. 6, 2013
Graduate’s path to traumatic brain injury research was littered with roadside bombs
U.S. Army Capt. David M. Barry has found himself at the forefront of cutting-edge research for improving methods for assessing and treating traumatic brain injury [TBI], delivering research findings that contain both professional and personal components at symposiums and forums. David Barry The distinguished engineering graduate (summa cum laude, Engineering… Read MoreMay. 3, 2013
Seniors’ smart car seat could prevent child deaths
A reporter interviews senior Chelsea Stowell about the car seat project. Vanderbilt engineering students are working to prevent children from being left alone in hot cars by creating a ‘smart’ car seat. As part of a senior design project, six students invented the “Kidsense Car Seat.” It is powered… Read MoreMay. 2, 2013
Second doctoral student secures NDSEG fellowship
Courtney Mitchell, a graduate student in chemical engineering, is the second Vanderbilt engineering student in in three weeks to be awarded a 2013 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Awarded annually to only about 200 students who intend to pursue a… Read MoreMay. 1, 2013
Vanderbilt wins $9.3M DARPA contract to evolve tools for military vehicle design
Vanderbilt University engineers in the Institute for Software Integrated Systems have been awarded a $9.3 million contract over two years to continue their work to mature META tools that are part of a flagship Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Adaptive Vehicle Make (AVM) program. AVM is a portfolio… Read MoreApr. 30, 2013