Engineering seniors tackle real-world design challenges
Engineering seniors have spent up to two semesters tackling design challenges from actual corporations with real design needs. Senior design courses provide students with experience by working on projects that involve budgets, reviews and deadlines. Students learn about the principles of design, professionalism, licensing, how ethics affect engineering decisions, entrepreneurship… Read MoreApr. 13, 2010
CE graduate student awarded scholarship
Civil engineering graduate student Paul A. Sparks received a $1,000 state scholarship from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Tennessee (ACEC). As a state winner, Sparks will compete for a national scholarship with students throughout the United States. National scholarship winners will be announced in October 2010. “Our scholarship… Read MoreApr. 12, 2010
Student rocket scientists honored after launch meet at NASA’s Marshall Flight Center
More than 300 students on 31 teams, representing middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities in 18 states, vied to see whose rocket could come closest to the 1-mile altitude goal and safely return to Earth an on-board science payload in April during the 2009-2010 NASA Student Launch Projects rocketry… Read MoreApr. 10, 2010
Kosson receives Joe B. Wyatt Distinguished University Professor Award
Professor David Kosson was honored April 8, 2010, at the Student Life Center during the spring faculty assembly. Kosson Kosson, chair of civil and environmental engineering, received the Joe B. Wyatt Distinguished University Professor Award from Vanderbilt University Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos. “Nationally and globally, David has taken on… Read MoreApr. 8, 2010
New undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum in place
Beginning in Fall 2010, a new undergraduate curriculum will be in place that will provide students with greater flexibility in their pursuit of areas of interest to chemical engineers. For students interested in maintaining breadth in their program, the curriculum has been revised to include 17 credit hours of electives. Read MoreApr. 7, 2010
EE student selected as Goldwater Scholar for 2010-2011 academic year
Electrical engineering student Parker Gould has been selected as a 2010 Goldwater Scholar. Gould will receive a two-year scholarship worth $7,500 a year for educational expenses. Each year, Vanderbilt and other four-year universities are given the opportunity to nominate up to four outstanding sophomore and junior students in the math,… Read MoreApr. 7, 2010
Cummings Perspective paper in the April issue of AIChE Journal
Peter Cummings, the John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, and colleagues, post-doctoral researchers Hugh Docherty and Chris Iacovella, and Visiting Professor Jayant Singh, have published a Perspective paper in the April issue of AIChE Journal, the flagship journal of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. The title of the… Read MoreApr. 5, 2010
W. Wesley Eckenfelder Jr. was international pioneer in industrial wastewater management
William Wesley Eckenfelder Jr., deemed the ‘godfather’ of industrial wastewater management by many of his colleagues, former students and peers, died March 28 in Nashville. He was 83. A memorial service will be held April 1 at the Marshall Donnelly Combs Funeral Home from 2-4 p.m. Eckenfelder Eckenfelder… Read MoreMar. 29, 2010
Students’ Guatemala trip reveals medical needs
Ten biomedical students and their professor spent spring break on a service learning trip where they repaired medical equipment March 8-12. This was the second trip to Guatemala for Associate Professor Cynthia Paschal, who teaches the Service Learning and Leadership course in the biomedical engineering department. “In preparation, we researched… Read MoreMar. 24, 2010
Cummings study: Human cells exhibit foraging behavior like amoebae and bacteria
Peter T. Cummings, John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, directed a study that found when cells move about in the body, they follow a complex pattern similar to amoebae and bacteria. When cells move about in the body, they follow a complex pattern similar to that which amoebae and… Read MoreMar. 18, 2010