Giorgio participates in Capitol policy seminar on biomedical research sponsored by DoD
Todd Giorgio Todd D. Giorgio, chair of the biomedical engineering department, participated a congressional briefing in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 10 in the Capitol Visitors Center. The policy seminar was sponsored by the Coalition for National Security Research (CNSR) on the topic of ‘New Perspectives on Defense Basic Research: Health/Biomedical… Read MoreNov. 15, 2010
Sponsored Research: Grants awarded to engineering faculty in September
The Division of Sponsored Research received notification in September that the following grants in excess of $25,000 had been awarded to engineering faculty and graduate students: Mark D. Abkowitz, Civil and Environmental Engineering, has received an award in the amount of $30,000 by the Department of Transportation for “CAIT 6: … Read MoreNov. 12, 2010
Vanderbilt professors find that students learn by tutoring virtual peers
Education Week recently reported that educators have long held that peer tutoring can help students learn and emerging research on students working with computer characters points to one possible reason why: Teaching begets learning for the teachers. Researchers at Stanford University’s AAA Lab and Vanderbilt University’s Teachable Agents… Read MoreNov. 8, 2010
Peter Cummings receives AIChE Award
Peter Cummings Peter T. Cummings, the John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, has received the Founders Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Chemical Engineering from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). The award was presented on Nov. 7 in Salt Lake City at AIChE’s annual meeting. Read MoreNov. 8, 2010
Students place in poster competition at 11th annual Nano Day forum
The 11th Annual Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Forum was held Wednesday, Oct. 27, in Jacobs Believed in Me Auditorium in Featheringill Hall. Three engineering students placed among the top three spots in poster competition. Sponsored by the Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE), the event is an annual forum… Read MoreOct. 29, 2010
Biomedical professors Anderson and Jansen elected into AIMBE’s College of Fellows
Adam Anderson, associate professor of biomedical engineering, and E. Duco Jansen, professor of biomedical engineering, have been elected into the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering’s (AIMBE) College of Fellows. Recipients of this honor, considered one of the highest in the biomedical engineering discipline, are chosen… Read MoreOct. 27, 2010
ARRA grant allows update of nanoscience institute’s air-handling equipment
If there is one thing that nanoscientists need above all else to study the behavior of materials and create devices at the scale of individual atoms, it is an ultra-clean environment. The fresh air that we breathe contains something like one million microscopic particles in a cubic foot, more than… Read MoreOct. 13, 2010
National Instruments and BME’s collaborative project is highlighted at conference
Vanderbilt’s School of Engineering will demonstrate a new undergraduate laboratory assignment that highlights a collaborative project between National Instruments and the biomedical engineering department today at the Biomedical Engineering Society’s (BMES) annual conference hosted by the University of Texas at Austin. The collaborative approach will allow capture of… Read MoreOct. 6, 2010
Sponsored research: Grants awarded to engineering faculty in August
The Division of Sponsored Research received notification in August that the following grants in excess of $25,000 had been awarded to School of Engineering faculty: Theodore A. Bapty, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has received an award in the amount of $318,834 by the Department of Defense for “Future Combat… Read MoreOct. 5, 2010
Schrimpf honored with Best Oral Presentation award at RADECS conference
Ron Schrimpf Professor of Electrical Engineering Ronald Schrimpf co-authored and received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 2009 Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) conference which was held in Bruges, Belgium. The paper entitled “Modeling of Ionizing Radiation-Induced Degradation in Multiple Gate Field Effect Transistors,” was… Read MoreSep. 29, 2010