Bennett Landman
Vanderbilt engineers mine EMRs and clinical journals for novel disease associations and new research paths
The idea of simultaneously analyzing medical diagnosis codes with electronic medical records has been much like knowing valuable treasure is buried under miles of rock but lacking the tools to mine it. The payoff—connections that may detect disease earlier and identify new research paths—has tantalized engineers and clinicians alike, remaining… Read MoreFeb. 18, 2020
Grissom, Landman named 2019 Chancellor Faculty Fellows
William Grissom, associate professor of biomedical engineering, and Bennett Landman, associate professor of electrical engineering, computer engineering and computer science, have been selected for the 2019 cohort of Chancellor Faculty Fellows. This group is composed of eleven highly accomplished, recently tenured faculty from a wide variety of… Read MoreMay. 13, 2019
VISE affiliates awarded $2.5 million NIH grant for continued epilepsy research
A team of Vanderbilt University engineers and surgeons has received a five-year, $2.5 million National Institutes of Health R01 grant to continue research into epilepsy-related seizures and brain networks. Victoria Morgan, associate professor of radiology and radiological sciences, is the principal investigator. Bennett Landman, associate professor of electrical engineering and… Read MoreNov. 17, 2018
MASI Lab and EnvoyAI to develop abdominal segmentation algorithms
The MASI lab is collaborating on the development of deep learning algorithms for abdomen segmentation that leverage artificial intelligence to better understand and diagnose disease. The MASI lab, affiliated with the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering, is working with a team from EnvoyAI, which aims to simplify access to… Read MoreJan. 10, 2018
Three junior faculty to be recognized at Celebration of Teaching event
Landman Three engineering faculty members will be honored for their achievements as 2012-2013 Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows May 3 at the annual Celebration of Teaching event sponsored by the Center for Teaching and the Graduate School. The 2013 event has been expanded to include a variety of panels and presentations… Read MoreApr. 29, 2013