Biomedical Engineering
Merryman, Lindsley make headway in drug development to cure pulmonary arterial hypertension
Research led by David Merryman, a professor of biomedical engineering, pharmacology and medicine who holds the Walters Family Chair, has resulted in the development of VU6047534, a new drug that treats pulmonary arterial hypertension—a type of high blood pressure that affects arteries in the lungs and in the heart—without… Read MoreSep. 13, 2023
School of Engineering announces fall 2023 faculty promotions
The School of Engineering is pleased to announce that the Vanderbilt University Board of Trust has approved the promotion of Jason G. Valentine to professor of mechanical engineering, Jules White to professor of computer science, and Yuankai (Kenny) Tau to associate professor of biomedical engineering, all with tenure, and effective fall… Read MoreSep. 5, 2023
Biomedical researcher Audrey Bowden organizes inaugural ‘Nature’ conference on bioengineering for global health, Nov. 13–15
Nature Conferences has selected Vanderbilt University to host a conference Nov. 13–15, 2023, focused on developing innovative diagnostic, treatment and disease-monitoring platforms to improve human health around the world. Audrey Bowden (Vanderbilt University) The conference planning team was led by Audrey Bowden, associate professor of biomedical engineering and… Read MoreAug. 24, 2023
Engineering doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers awarded prestigious NIH fellowships
Biomedical engineering graduate students and postdoctoral researchers are recipients of highly competitive Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Awards from the National Institutes of Health and NIH Individual Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Awards. A majority of the students are in the Vanderbilt Medical Scientist Training Program (… Read MoreAug. 24, 2023
Biomedical engineering professor helps draw a roadmap for academia to achieve more diversified hiring
A team of biomedical researchers from 16 top engineering programs in the nation, which includes Audrey Bowden, Dorothy J. Wingfield Phillips Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow and associate professor of biomedical engineering, has developed a set of processes that helps eliminate traditional barriers to historically excluded groups pursuing academic careers in… Read MoreAug. 17, 2023
VISE affiliates awarded $2.3M NIH grant to combat childhood blindness
A team of Vanderbilt engineers are working to breach the critical barrier to timely clinical intervention of blindness in preterm infants. One of the major causes of childhood blindness is a rapidly growing retinal vascular disease called Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). “Clinical intervention options for ROP exist, but our limited… Read MoreJul. 31, 2023
Biomedical engineering professor leads study of novel technology that helps identify parathyroids during pediatric endocrine surgery
Mahadevan-Jansen Damage or removal of calcium-regulating parathyroid glands during endocrine surgery can put children at risk for poor growth and slow mental development. Preserving the often rice-sized organ in children is vital, but not always easy. Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Ph.D., professor of Biomedical Engineering and the Orrin H. Ingram Chair in… Read MoreJul. 19, 2023
Cellular bioengineer Cynthia Reinhart-King elected to fellow of IAMBE
University Distinguished Professor and Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering Cynthia Reinhart-King has been elected to the 2023 Class of Fellows of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE). IAMBE is made up of fellows who are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the profession of medical and… Read MoreJul. 10, 2023
Chris Rowe selected for prestigious Harvard program to boost Nashville’s biomedical sector collaboration
Chris Rowe, executive director for industry collaborations within the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Innovation’s Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization and professor of the practice of engineering management, has been selected for the 2023 Young American Leaders… Read MoreJun. 5, 2023
Karl Zelik receives distinguished Goel Award for translational research in biomechanics
Karl Zelik, associate professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering and physical medicine and rehabilitation, is being recognized for his contributions to the field of biomechanics with a prestigious Goel Award from the American Society of Biomechanics. Karl Zelik The award recognizes outstanding accomplishments in translational biomechanics research, entrepreneurship, and… Read MoreMay. 31, 2023